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Site Created by Brockett Creative Group, Inc.
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The Mohawk Valley Path Through History begins with the Revolutionary War - the sites and events related to this period in history.
Declaration by Loyalists at Court in Johnstown
Patriot Paul Revere and William Dawes are sent out and warns colonial militas of British advancement
The American Revolution begins
Committe of Safety formed for Mohawk District
First shots of the Revolution in the Mohawk Valley fired at Johnstown just 2 months after Lexington and Concord
Continental Army Col. Ethan Allen is captured
John Johnson fortifies Johnson Hall and arms his tenants and concentrates his entire force in the vincinity, plus 300 well-armed Native Americans.
Patriot Generals march military force to Johnstown to arrest John Johnson.
Sir John Johnson flees to Canada with Loyalist supporters to avoid arrest for breaking parole.
Regiment ordered to arrest John Johnson for breaking parole